Friday, November 09, 2012

The Professor and Gayle

The first episode of Bravest Warriors premiered today (as I'm posting, yesterday) on Frederator's Cartoon Hangover channel. That's right! These are the first two characters I helped design on the show: Professor Fartsparkles and Gayle the Glendalien. I happened to help color them, too. I've been working on the show since April, so it's pretty exciting to finally see the animation go live. Massive congratulations and thank you's are due to show creators and friends Pendleton Ward and Breehn Burns. And to everyone on the crew! These shows don't happen without a TON of effort.

But wait, you haven't seen the first episode "Time Slime" yet? Then hop on over to YouTube and subscribe here. New episodes on Thursdays! For free! On the internet! Crazy, right?

I've posted before about Bravest Warriors here and here.

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